In Love

Without you...

Was incomplete in all my achievements,
Was lonely in between 100 of friends,
Then i found you on a busy road,
you gave me a smile,
You made me feel complete,
Just be with me for rest of my life,
Coz you are the most precious gift of the god.

Need you...

love thy fulfilled empty core of my heart ,
but left my mind in a gypsy state,
your warm touch showed me the heaven beneath moon,
but shaken my identity in long sunny days,
i want you for my soul for my heart,
 but for my body n mind,
once again i have to search my way,
coz u put your light at night ,
 i need to a shelter in sun, shelter so that i do not decay.
if you cant help me find my way, just be with me when i fall,
with you i'l be stronger then all hardship i face.........