Its your mind which guide you,
Its your heart which solitaries you,
Its your tongue which judges you,
Its your beauty with admires you,
Its passion which drives you.
Its passion which keeps you going,
Its passion which make you mind blowing.
Its passion which gives you an identity,
Its Passion which make you out stand,
free you from and cave and morality.
Like cultivating infertile soil,
no drive to win, no thrive to get,
no battle to win, no love to gain,
Life without passion is just like an acid rain.
Adding no beauty to life,
giving no relief,
O Passion without you I M half dead,
Before that day which make me release....
Its not a dream, its not a desire.
how to make world understand,
its root to my soul, my sanity, my fire.
Taking it away from me, will make me breathless,
not just Identity, its my life, my urge, my Dire.